Input data

MISO2 mostly uses the ODYM data scheme of .xls files to prepare its input data, using additional config files for functionality added by the MISO2 model.

ODYM setup files

  • MISO2_Classifications_Master.xls

Contains the classification of elements, time, regions, materials and sectors.

  • MISO2_Config.xls

Contains parameters and their description. ODYM uses this file to determine which further parameter xls to parse.

  • MISO2_<parameter>_v<version>.xls

Contain the values, uncertainties (values_uncert) and CV for each parameter. Parameters created by automated workflows also have a source sheet which lists the origin of each datapoint.

Additional files

  • MISO2_uncertainty_distribution_settings.xls

Contains the necessary parameters for setting and handling uncertainty within the MISO2 model and value range limits. Checks are run for minimum and maximum limit for parameter values, the type of (global) uncertainty distribution and the global estimated uncertainty value.


The type of distribution is mainly used as a preliminary check to determine if an allocation parameter is used. For allocation parameters, the sum of individual values (e.g. sectors) must always add up to 1.

  • MISO2_classification_properties.xls

Contain additional information for each classification properties, such as information on AggregateMultipliers per material.